
2024-01-23 10:15 阅读 744


Bulletin 2. 2023-2024

黑利伯瑞学校小初学部校园新闻公告2. 2023-2024


The Greatness of Drama


Dear Junior School parents and families,


A new drama activity class has been made available for students at Haileybury. At first our students were nervous and unsure of themselves, but as time goes on and the more they are on stage, they are developing into creative and expressive students.


We began with ‘trust’ activities. These activities are to ensure students become more comfortable with acting in front of others and building confidence in themselves. Following the ‘trust’ activities are lessons on emotions and characteristic traits. These lessons play an important part in drama class, as they are beneficial when learners need to play a character that is unlike themselves. We are currently working on a skit we will do in assembly for the school.


A dialogue, skit, or play gives students context. Learning, memorizing, and practicing drama allows students to interact with the content on a deeper level, engaging all four language skills: reading, speaking, listening, and writing, for example when they make their own props for the stage, or if they take notes on their lines.


Using drama to teach English builds team spirit, communication skills, and students’ confidence in their own English abilities. During drama practice, students can make mistakes, experiment with language, and even learn to improvise if they forget a word or a line.


This flexibility and adaptability build fluency and vocabulary knowledge, increasing the students confidence even further. Memorizing and practicing lines makes a great addition to learning a new language.




English Debate Class


This year, we have jumpstarted an English Debate activity class to promote the Middle School students English abilities and critical thinking. We practice a form of debate referred to as “Socratic debate”. These debates focus primarily on the asking questions, rather than the straightforward act stating of one’s personal opinions, naming facts, or appealing to authority.


The Socratic method is a form of teaching and learning that is based on asking questions and encouraging critical thinking. It is named after the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, who is said to have used this method to help his students understand complex ideas and concepts. The method involves asking questions to prompt the student to challenge their own thinking and arrive at new insights, rather than simply providing them with information. It is often used in philosophy and other fields that rely on critical thinking and reasoning.


Socratic debate can be especially useful for English language learners because it focuses on the asking of questions. Students get an opportunity to gain some practice using the -wh (or question) words in English and can work towards building a confident and resolute command of the English language. It is hoped that they will increase their confidence in speaking English, which will help prepare them to dauntlessly achieve their academic and professional goals, wherever in the world their English-speaking ability might take them.



STEM Lego Robotics Class

STEM 乐高机器人课

You've likely heard the term STEM or STEM class, but what does it stand for? STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These four fields share an emphasis on innovation, problem-solving, and critical thinking. And together they make up a popular and fast-growing subject at school.  As society innovates and technology advances, the need for professionals who understand how these technologies work and who can propose practical solutions continues to grow.  This is exactly what this class is helping students in middle school to achieve.  Technology is at the heart of many in-demand jobs. Those who love working with different technologies and machines, such as computers, cars, and electronics, will likely find a STEM career extremely rewarding.  Our students at Middle School show such enthusiasm and are very well equipped with the necessary skills to solve many of the problems they come across during activities.  The STEM activity is a great opportunity that allows our students to build their teamwork and communication skills.  Students can work together to build a battery powered robot, a bottle rocket or build the tallest tower, allowing them to try different communication techniques and approaches to discover what works.

你可能听说过STEM这个词,但它代表什么?STEM是科学、技术、工程和数学的缩写。这四个领域都强调创新、解决问题和批判性思维。它们共同构成了学校里一门受欢迎且快速发展的学科。社会对能提出实用解决方案的专业人员的需求在不断增长。这也正是我们培养学生的目标。技术是许多工作的核心。那些喜欢使用不同技术和机器(如计算机、汽车和电子产品)的人可能会发现STEM专业非常有回报。我们的学生表现出了这样的热情,并且非常具备解决他们在活动中遇到的许多问题的必要技能。STEM活动是一个很好的机会,可以让我们的学生培养团队合作和沟通技能。学生们可以一起建造电池驱动的机器人、瓶子火箭或最 高的塔,让他们尝试不同的通信技术和方法来发现什么是有效的。


Reading and Phonic Games


Early acquisition of sufficient reading skills can have a significant impact on students' academic performance over the course of their school careers. Because of this, there is a widespread belief that reading difficulties should be addressed as soon as possible to reduce the possibility that students will experience long-term effects from developmental delays.


At Haileybury we strive to equip students with the necessary skills and strategies they need to succeed in reading. For lower primary we focus on decoding and phonics and upper primary we use “CARS AND STARS” to reinforce these reading strategies. In future newsletters, I will discuss various strategies and techniques to expand more on this topic.

在天津黑利伯瑞学校,我们致力于为学生提供必要的阅读技能和策略,帮助他们在阅读方面取得成功。在低年级阶段,我们注重教授解码和语音技巧,而在高年级阶段,我们通过使用“CARS & STARS”等在线阅读工具来强化这些阅读策略。在接下来的文章中,我将详细介绍各种扩展此主题的策略和技巧。

You may ask how does reading play a role in learning a second language such as English. When a child can read, they are able to develop their grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and analytical skills.


Much research has been conducted by scientists to understand how children learn to read and how reading works. They have found that reading is a cognitive activity that involves decoding written symbols, drawing connects to prior information, and obtaining meaning from text rather than just being a simple visual task.



Phonics Games


Phonics games are interactive and engaging educational activities designed to help children develop their phonics skills. Phonics is the method of teaching reading and pronunciation by focusing on the sounds that letters and letter combinations make. I would like to recommend some games to our parents and students.


Phonics Hopscotch 字母跳房子游戏

A fun alphabet game called Alphabet Hopscotch will help your child learn letter recognition while also getting them moving inside or even outside.


Things you need: Alphabet letters and a sandbag (or a ball).


Place the pieces of the alphabet puzzle (or draw the alphabet) in a vertical line on the ground. As per the picture below. Throw the sandbag on a letter. Let them hop on every letter while saying the sound of the letter out loud. This is done until they have reached the sandbag.  Throw the bag until the whole alphabet is completed.


The Pairing Game 配对游戏

To play this game, you’ll need flashcards with the letters and corresponding pictures. The key feature is that you can play pairing games with them by placing the cards on a table or the floor and having them match the words with the picture.


This game is fantastic because it encourages the use of lots of senses. A child's mind processes a lot of information without needing to think of the words on their own. Most phonics books have flash cards available at the back of the book.


Use Words to Hide and Seek 词语捉迷藏

With this game, kids may take the initiative and have control. Using the cards, you have from the matching game; you can hide the picture flashcards throughout your home. After that, you ask your child to search the house for the matching pair while holding up the letter.



Unveiling Creative Minds: The Birth of the Haileybury Creative Writing Club


The world of literature and creativity has found a new haven within the walls of Haileybury, as the Creative Writing Club takes its first steps into the realm of imagination and expression. The birth of this club heralds the arrival of a vibrant and nurturing community for young writers to unite, grow, and create.


Inspiration struck a group of passionate students who shared a profound love for the art of writing. They envisioned a space where creativity could flourish, and the seed for the Creative Writing Club was sown. The aspiration was clear—to provide a platform for students to explore their creative potentials and share their unique voices with the world.


The club is more than just a gathering of wordsmiths; it is a diverse and inclusive haven for all kinds of writers. From poets to novelists, essayists to playwrights, every form of literary expression finds a home within this community. By embracing a variety of genres and styles, the club ensures that every member can find their niche and be encouraged to evolve.


Collaboration is the heartbeat of the Creative Writing Club. Writing prompts, group projects, and brainstorming sessions are just a few ways in which members come together to inspire and challenge one another. These collaborations not only enrich the creative process but also cultivate a sense of camaraderie and unity among members.


The journey has only just begun, and the future holds endless possibilities for the Haileybury Creative Writing Club. The club aims to make a mark in the school community and beyond.


The Creative Writing Club is more than just a club; it is a testament to the power of creativity, unity, and the impact that words can have on the world. We look forward to nurturing creativity, forming lasting friendships, and making our mark in the vast tapestry of literature.


For those ready to pen their dreams and weave their tales, the Haileybury Creative Writing Club welcomes you with open arms. Happy writing!



Extra Curriculum Class


Haileybury offers a wide range of diverse courses for students, including STEM programs, astronomy club, violin lessons, golf, clarinet, snare drum, martial arts, and much more.

黑利伯瑞为学生提供丰富多彩的课程,其中包括 STEM 系列课程、天文社、小提琴、高尔夫、黑管、小军鼓、武术等多种课程。

Students have the option to participate in academic courses such as STEM activities and the astronomy club, where they can enhance their understanding and interest in fields such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through hands-on learning, discussions, and exploration.

学生可以选择参加学术类课程,如 STEM 类活动和天文社,通过实践、讨论和探究,增强自己对科学技术、工程和数学等领域的理解和兴趣。

Furthermore, students can also engage in various artistic courses, such as crafts and violin lessons, where they can acquire knowledge and skills in areas such as painting, music, and handicrafts, thus enhancing their cultural literacy and artistic abilities.


In addition, students have the opportunity to choose sports courses, such as golf, to improve their physical fitness, develop their athletic skills, and simultaneously cultivate teamwork and competitive spirit.


In summary, at Haileybury, students can select courses based on their interests and passions, enriching their knowledge and skills while developing their full potential. In such a vibrant and positive learning environment, students truly enjoy the fusion of happiness and learning.




Haileybury is both a campus and a home.


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