广州市加拿大外籍人员子女学校(CIS)提供由加拿大艾伯塔省教育局认证的幼儿园、小学、初中及高中课程。CIS 是中国大陆地区一所由加拿大艾伯塔省认证的K-12国际学校,同时也是一所国际文 凭小学项目(IB PYP)候选学校,面向全球家庭招收2-18岁幼儿园至高中学生。
Fees 学费及杂费【点击咨询学费详情】
*This policy applies to new families joining CIS in school year 2022-2023. CIS reserved the right to change the current fee standard.
* New students need to buy a whole pack of school uniforms. Current CIS students need to update sports uniform items every twoyears (670RMB/2 sets).
* New students from PreK 2-4 and new dorm students need to buy a whole pack of bedding.
* ELL support is determined after the initial assessment.
* 新生需要购买全套校服。入读后每两年统一收取一次运动服置换费用(670 元/2套运动服)。
* 幼儿园2-4岁班新生及新住宿生需要购买全套床品。
* ELL语言支持以入学考试结果为准。