部分名额补录中 | 亚加达国际预 科2021-2022学年招生简章

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  2021-2022学年招生计划部分名额补录中,欢迎报考亚加达国际预 科!

  Part of the enrollment quote for the 2021-2022 academic year is still in the process of re-enrollment. Welcome to join the AIC learner community.

  校址位于广州南沙,亚加达国际预 科是一所经过10年探索创新、发展沉淀的国际学校,现开设有IBDP、AP、A-Level、IGCSE等国际课程,招收中外籍学生。学校拥有中西融合的教学及管理方式,和文化背景多元、经验丰富的中外籍教师。

  Alcanta International College (AIC) is located in Nansha, Guangzhou. It is an international school that has undergone 10 years of exploration, innovation, and development. AIC currently offe rs international courses such as IBDP, AP, A-Level, IGCSE, and enrolls both Chinese and foreign students. The school has a combination of Chinese and Western teaching and management methods, and experienced Chinese and foreign teachers with diverse cultural backgrounds.

亚加达国际<span style='color: red;font-size: 20px'>预科</span>(AIC)

  办学特色 | School Characteristics



  Small class sizes to ensure personalized attention


  Student-centered education with a focus on individual personal growth


  3:2 ratio of international and local faculty


  Bilingual support for smooth transition into English programs of study


  Focus on 21st century-based learning skills and competencies to ensure lifelong learning

  招生计划 | Admissions Plan


  入学申请 | Application Procedure



  Make an appointment to visit the school;



  Submit a completed application form and application fee;



  Take the entrance exam in Mathematics and English, and an interview (in English);


  学校将于考试后两周内以电子邮件和电话形式告知申请人录取情况,被录取的学生需要在一周内支付保 证金以保留入学资格。

  School will inform applicants of the admission status within two weeks, applicants are informed via email and a phone call, and admitted students need to pay deposit within one week to retain their entrance qualification.

  学校概况 | About AIC【点击咨询亚加达国际预 科(AIC)】

  亚加达国际预 科(AIC)是一所获得世界文 凭组织(IBO)、美国大学理事会(College Board)、英国爱德思考试局(EDEXCEL)及美国中部教育联盟(MSA- CESS)认证的国际学校。

  Alcanta International College (AIC) is an international school accredited by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), College Board, EDEXCEL and Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS).

  亚加达国际预 科还是BTDA英国演讲与戏剧表演等级考试、加拿大滑铁卢大学数学竞赛、加拿大欧几里得数学竞赛 、阿思丹国际学科竞赛、IOL语言学奥林匹克竞赛的考点。

  In addition, AIC is the examination site for BTDA English Speech and Drama Performance Examination, University of Waterloo Mathematics Contest, Canada Euclidean Mathematics Contest, ASDAN International Subject Competition, and International Linguistics Olympiad.

  亚加达国际预 科的课程同时面向中外籍学生开设,我校约有20%的外籍师生来自世界上17个不同国家。

  AIC can enroll Chinese and international students to its programs of study. About 20% of our population come from 17 different countries.

  课程设置 | Curriculum



  预备课程旨在为学生在亚加达国际预 科的高中阶段学习做好准备。学生将不仅专注于学科内容和语言发展,还将学习为IGCSE或AIC文 凭(由美国中部教育联盟认证)准备的重要技能。

  Foundation Years is designed and delivered to prepare students for their high school studies at AIC. Student will focus on not only subject content and language development but also learn important skills to be prepared for the IGCSE program or the AIC Diploma (accredited by the Middle States Association of College and Schools).

亚加达国际<span style='color: red;font-size: 20px'>预科</span>(AIC)
亚加达国际<span style='color: red;font-size: 20px'>预科</span>(AIC)



  强化英语语言课程(IELP)的使命是通过提供专门支持英语语言能力发展的课程来帮助英语学习者,让学生可以在一年之内加入并成功学习预备课程II、国际普通中等教育证 书课程(IGCSE)I、十年级等年级的主流课程。

  The mission of the Intensive English Language Program (IELP) is to serve learners of English by offe ring a course designed exclusively to support development of English language skills, so that students can within a year at most join and succeed in mainstream classes at Foundation Year 2, IGCSE Year 1 or Grade 10 levels.

  国际普通中等教育证 书课程


  国际普通中等教育证 书(IGCSE)是预备课程和IBDP/AP/ A-Level课程之间的桥梁。该课程被世界各地的大学广泛认可。在亚加达国际预 科,学生能够在广泛的科目中进行IGCSE的学习。学生们在10年级结束时会学习9到11门IGCSE课程。

  The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is offe red as a bridge between Foundation Years, and the IBDP/AP/A-Level. They are widely recognized by universities across the world. At AIC students are able to undertake their IGCSE in a wide range of subjects. Students do a total of between nine and eleven IGCSE subjects, which they take at the end of Grade 10.


  IB文 凭课程

  IB Diploma Program

  国际文 凭课程(IBDP)是面向高中学生的严格的大学预 科课程,受到世界各地大学的认可。优异的IBDP学生可以获得额外的大学学分。该课程由六个学科组和DP核心组成:认识论(TOK),创造,行动,服务(CAS)和专题论文。

  The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) is a rigorous pre-university program for high school students, recognized by top universities all around the world. Successful IBDP students can earn extra university credits. The Diploma Program curriculum is comprised of six subject groups and the DP core: Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS), and the Extended Essay.

亚加达国际<span style='color: red;font-size: 20px'>预科</span>(AIC)
亚加达国际<span style='color: red;font-size: 20px'>预科</span>(AIC)


  Advanced Placement (AP) Program


  Advanced Placement (AP) Program offe rs college-level curriculum and testing to high school students. The AP Program at AIC is comprised of six subject groups, learning skills, holistic education, and CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service).

  学有余力的学生还可以跨项目选择IBDP生物学、环境科学与人类社会、音乐和戏剧课程。这些学生将有资格参加IB课程,完成这些课程将获得IBO颁发的课程证 书。

  Students can also choose courses in Biology, Environmental Science and Societies, Music, and Drama through our IBDP program. These students will qualify for IB Courses and will receive a certificate from the IBO for completing these courses.


  A-Level Program

  A-Level被英国和其他英语国家的大学广泛接受。世界上有许多国 家将A-Level课程体系作为标准。

  A-Level is greatly accepted by universities in the UK and other English-speaking countries. A number of countries worldwide use the A-level curriculum as a standard.

亚加达国际<span style='color: red;font-size: 20px'>预科</span>(AIC)
亚加达国际<span style='color: red;font-size: 20px'>预科</span>(AIC)

  学有余力的学生也可以选择IBDP或AP课程的一些学科,以拓展自身的学习或者满足学校文 凭的要求。

  Students may also choose from our IBDP or AP courses for some of their subjects to extend their learning or meet school diploma requirements.

  校园活动 | School Activities

  亚加达国际预 科提供一系列丰富的活动,供学生参与。活动体现了CAS的三条主线:创造、行动与服务。

  At AIC, we have a wide range of activities that students can participate in that follow the three major strands of CAS: Creativity, Activity and Service.

亚加达国际<span style='color: red;font-size: 20px'>预科</span>(AIC)

  学术竞赛 | Academic Competitions


  Academic competitions provide students with a platform to improve their creativity, academic ability, organizational ability, and ability to withstand pressure. By participating in top competitions in China and aboard, students can hone their abilities for further studies.

亚加达国际<span style='color: red;font-size: 20px'>预科</span>(AIC)

  校园环境 | Our Campus

  亚加达国际预 科位于广州市南沙区,有3栋独立建筑,其中1栋为学生宿舍楼(包括有食堂、商店和学生健身房),另外2栋为综合教学楼,配备了教室、实验室、创作室、艺术室、设计室、戏剧教室,多功能厅、厨艺教室、音乐室、钢琴室、剧场和图书馆,让学生能获得更好的教学体验。

  Located in the Nansha District of Guangzhou, AIC campus is consisted of three independent buildings with one dedicated to student residences (including a canteen, on-site store, and a student gym) and two comprehensive buildings equipped with classrooms, laboratories, creation room, art rooms, design rooms, drama room, multi-function rooms, cooking room, music rooms, piano rooms, a performance theatre and library to ensure quality teaching and learning experience for our students.


  AIC also has its own football field, basketball courts, tennis courts, indoor gym, yoga rooms and other sports facilities, school medical room which ensure safe and varied experiences on campus.


  In the residences, each floor has its own common room, and each room has an independent bathroom and shower. Air conditioning, hot and cold water and wireless network are provided, which reflects AIC's student-centered education philosophy.

亚加达国际<span style='color: red;font-size: 20px'>预科</span>(AIC)


  The school is located in the core area of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, near Nansha Port Express, Guangzhou City Ring Expressway, Qingsheng High-speed Railway Station, Nansha Bridge, Humen Bridge and other transportation hubs. People can also take Guangzhou Metro Line 4, walk straight for 600 meters from Exit C of Guanglong Station to reach school.

上一篇:亚加达青腾学院2022年招生通道正式开启! 下一篇:2022-2023招生简章 | Admission
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  欢迎报考亚加达国际预科!   关于我们   ABOUT US   亚加达国际预科(AIC)是一所获...





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2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
3. 若素材有侵权或其他问题,请联系我们。

为了更好地为您提供选校咨询、生涯规划、留学、背提、研学服务,我们将收集您的上述信息。若您同意且理解,上述信息将用于本公司为您进行后期回访,从而定制更为贴心的服务。此外,提醒您特别注意,本页面下的学校信息为公开渠道获取并在此展示,并不代表我们与此学校存在任何合作关系。关于您的个人信息处理规则详见 《用户隐私政策》
