远播国际教育 远播国际教育,3-18岁国际教育规划者

小学部德育项目每月之星(5月)Student of the Month

发布日期:2019-06-24 17:52阅读:3556人

We are proud to announce the Students of the Month for May. They were chosen for setting smart learning goals and using a variety of strategies to learn actively and independently. It was wonderful to see more scholars in daily school life. Meanwhile, all Students of the Month for this grading period received a certificate and a Barracuda badge during the award ceremony for their grade level. Well done!



Throughout the year, the Gotcha Program worked very well. Based on the six character traits, teachers have developed a set of shared values, attitudes, skills and behaviors that support children’s development and contribute to their success in and out of school. Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents, teachers and members of the community who worked together to support the Gotcha Program.



I think SCHOLAR is ...

我认为学者精神是 ...



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