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难忘毕业季 A Graduation to Remember

发布日期:2019-06-24 17:58阅读:3211人

On June 5th, the inaugural commencement ceremony of Class 2019 was held in Shenzhen Basis International School. 13 unique and passionate students were awarded the BASIS International Schools, China graduate diploma


Being a new school that opened in 2015, this first graduating class is a very special one, who have fought through challenges and led by example. The school is extremely proud that they have all arrived at this day, and are about to embark upon new, exciting paths at colleges all over the United States.



Here we would like to share the keynote remarks from our HOS, Dr. Reford in Graduation Ceremony of Class 2019:

以下是校长Dr. Reford2019届毕业典礼上的主旨演讲:

Dear Class of 2019 - welcome to your graduation celebration. To the Parents of the Class of 2019 - welcome to a moment that I am sure fills you with great pride, and I am sure some sadness and anxiety also. Students, if you notice mum and dad looking a little strangely at you today, it is because they also see the baby and the little child you once were, and they cannot believe how fast the years have passed.



To the Founding Faculty and Staff of BASIS International School Shenzhen - welcome. Four years ago could you imagine this day might come? And you would still be here?



To all the faculty and staff - welcome. How wonderful for all of us who arrived after the founding year to be able to say we were part of the community as it celebrated this milestone.



To our College Admissions team - welcome. You embraced the Class of 2019 with such care, humor, energy, intelligence and raw cunning.  I wonder will they ever have such dedicated pathfinders in their lives again?



To everyone in the room - let us look around and give ourselves a cheer for all the work that brought us to this special day.


在座的每一位嘉宾,让我们一起环顾四周,为自己和身边的人而欢呼喝彩 -- 今天这个特殊的日子离不开我们大家的不懈努力和辛勤付出!

I asked the Class of 2019 two questions that I have asked of graduating classes for many years now. The first is to tell me about a moment that had a significant impact on them at our school.



One student talked about the 9th grade musical in Drama Class, because it made them realize how close this class had become.



One student remembered, perhaps not so fondly, the sleepless nights working on the Economics paper and reviewing for the AP US History exam.



Another will always remember leaving campus each day and the guards smiling and saying goodbye.



And finally Chinese Literature Class this year. This student speaks of how it affected their personal values and inspired them to be more self-critical...


The second question is: for what are you most grateful from your time at school?


One student thanks their college counsellor as he helped them to believe they could do great things and most importantly brought them chocolates.



Another speaks of the opportunity to work with some of the most inspiring educators they have ever met.



One speaks of their gratitude to the school for teaching them to be independent and self-reliant.



And finally, the thanks many expressed to their teachers for taking the time to sit down with them to discuss difficult problems and their papers.



Dear Class of 2019, cherish these memories and these bonds forged with your classmates and teachers. BASIS International School Shenzhen will always be a home for you, wherever you might happen to be in the world.



Above all, embrace the great gift your parents have given to you. When they enrolled you at our school four long years ago in 2015, it was an extraordinary act of hope, to provide you with a future very few 18 year-olds anywhere in the world will ever know.



For all of you I realize this is a day of great expectations, relief and joy. Of course as you prepare to walk out into adult life in another country, I imagine you must also feel some tension between the fear of goodbyes and loss and the delight in the change and growth that await you.



Embrace it all, the fear of loss and the delight in all the changes to come. Go to America with confidence. You are ready. I promise you are all a match for whatever challenges you will face. America should watch out - the BASIS International School Shenzhen Class of 2019 is coming!



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