What do you think education ought to look like in the 21st century? If you were responsible for change in teaching and learning, what changes would you propose? As an educator, contemplating these two questions may help us to reshape the education landscape. A new-styled learning seminar led by Guangzhou Foreign Language School (GZFLS) leaders and teachers seek to explore these two questions.
21世纪的教育应该是什么样的? 如果你能改变教与学的模式,你会提出什么措施呢? 作为一名教育者,重新思考这两个问题,也许会重构对教育的认知。一场别开生面的学习研讨会带领着广州外国语学校的领导和老师们一起探索和找寻问题的答案。
Recently, Mr. Craig Boyce, director of Education (International) ISAIEG, went to GZFLS to discuss the education concept of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and the 21st century learning.
近日,爱莎国际教育集团教育总监(国际) Craig Boyce 博赐能先生来到广州外国语学校与老师们一起探讨“IBDP(国际组织大学预科项目)的教育理念,以及21世纪的学习”。
Principal Liu Hongmei, Secretary Lin Weihong, Vice Principal Liu Feng and other leaders attended the seminar, appreciating the seminar and Mr. Craig's professional quality, and also looking forward to his next seminar.
Craig is a practitioner in the fusion of Chinese and Western cultures. He is a lifelong learner, holding eight degrees in different majors from universities in four jurisdictions; University of Hong Kong, Massey University (New Zealand), Beijing University and Deakin University (Australia). Craig has worked as a curriculum director for twenty-three years in Hong Kong Chinese International School (CIS). Immediately before joining ISA, he worked as the Founding Principal at KaiWen Academy (Chaoyang) and as Director of Beanstalk International Bilingual School in Beijing.
Craig Boyce 博赐能先生是融合中西方文化精髓及“终身学习”的践行者,拥有中国香港大学、新西兰梅西大学、北京大学、澳大利亚迪肯大学等不同专业方向的8个学位。曾在中国香港汉基国际学校任职23年,担任课程总监。在加入爱莎前,曾在北京的凯文学校(朝阳)、青苗国际学校分别担任校长。
During the seminar, the teachers had a heated discussion regarding the two questions raised by Craig, and presented their findings from group discussion in various forms such as words, pictures, etc. Among these idea, guiding students to study independently became the focus of discussion and is a common concern of teachers.
After the explanation and analysis by all participants, Craig explained the core education concept of IB as a mainstream international curriculum system, as well as the ten goals for students. During the seminar, Craig constantly raised questions to teachers so as to trigger their thinking and guided each group to ask questions and respond to each other, so that teachers were able to experience IB ATL. Craig didn't give any answer during the two-hour seminar, instead he has planted the seeds of IB philosophy that will grow their own answers in the future.
Craig believes that 21st century learning should have both an academic and moral quality. Cultivating students' self-direction, curiosity, creativity and adaptability. In addition, learning in the 21st century also focuses on the social and emotional development of students, including collabortion in teams, interpersonal skills, personal responsibility, social and civic responsibility, and interactive communication.
21st century learning is in line with the learning concept of IBDP. The IB curriculum system is not only compatible with the mainstream education curriculum systems in the world, but also has its own uniqueness principles preparing students for a wider range of universities options. IB students, especially those who graduated from IBDP, pay attention to independent learning, balanced development and international vision, and have been admitted into universities in more than 90 countries or regions, such as North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
The IBDP high school international curriculum programme co-established by Guangzhou Foreign Language School and ISA International Education Group has started to recruit students, which will be greatly helpful for students to enter the world's top univerities.
The International Baccalaureate? (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) is recognized and respected by the world’s leading universities, and evidence suggests that a higher percentage of DP students go on to university and higher education study than non-IB students. DP students apply to more than 3,300 higher education institutions each year, in close to 90 countries. The most popular of these institutions are ranked among the top universities in the world. In the past two years, over 30% of the students admitted to the world top 50 universities came from IBDP graduates.
The subject selection of IBDP is also highly individualized, which allows students to choose subjects based on their own skills and interests. It is divided into six subject groups including language 1, language 2, sociology, science, mathematics and art and "three elements"including "Theory of Knowledge"’, the "Extended Essay", and the "Community Action and Service". The "three elements" are required courses, and the other subjects are three HL subjects and three SL subjects selected from six subject groups. Among them, language 1, language 2 and mathematics group are required courses, and the other three subjects are chosen from the other three groups. For example, if students are not good at the last group of art, they can choose one subject from the other two groups (Science and Humanities).
Apart from individualized curriculum selection, The International Baccalaureate? (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) has many other advantages.
-Extensive University Options
Universities in more than 60 countries regard the IB Diploma highly as an entrance qualification.
-Popular in Leading University
Students who obtain the IB Diploma are sought after for admission to the leading universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, the University of Tokyo and most Ivy League Schools in USA.
-University Awarding Advanced Credit
Good performance in Higher Level courses may lead to a university awarding advanced credit. This can reduce the time for completing a degree and may reduce the cost.
-University Counselling Services
Our University Counselor will lead each student individually through the process of creating a personal portfolio and application letter, and completing all university admissions procedures.
-Mature International Education
The IB Diploma is a comprehensive programme of study, assisting students to adapt well to university life and study.
-Holistic Education
It aims to develop learners who are:
Knowledgeable, thinkers, principled, open-minded, caring, balanced, inquirers, risk-takers, communicators, and reflective