AISL Harrow Chongqing 哈罗重庆常见问题

  1. What is the nationality requirement for enrolment? 入读哈罗重庆对国籍有什么要求?

  Students from all nationalities, including Peoples’ Republic of China (China, Hong Kong and Macau nationals, can enrol at ILA schools. 所有国籍,包含中华人民共和国国籍(中国大陆及中国港澳公民)的学生都可以入读哈罗重庆。


  2. How does registration work? What time of year do you accept applications? 如何进行注册?哈罗重庆学校一年中什么时候接受申请?

  Application to each ILA is open throughout the year. Once an application form is filled, assessments are completed, and application fees have paid, successful applicants will be offe red a place in the school – these offe rs are valid for 4 months. Once the family accepts the offe r , our admissions team will guide the family through the registration process.Unsuccessful applicants can repeat this process at an agreed upon future date.


  3. Are there scholarship schemes for outstanding students? 是否对优 秀学生提供奖学金?

  Yes, we provide partial or full scholarships to a small portion of students of outstanding academic, sporting or musical ability through a careful selection process.

  Existing and new scholarships are reviewed annually. Details will be provided by our admissions team.


  4. After graduating from Harrow Chongqing, where can my child go for univeristy study? 在哈罗重庆毕业后,我的孩子可以在哪里就读大学?

  After successfully completing his/her A-level studies, your child will be eligible to apply as an international student to university anywhere in the world. Most students in our family of schools attend universities in the USA, UK, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia.

  在成功完成A-leve 或 SAT(我们会为申请美国且必须提供SAT成绩的学生提供SAT课程)ls学习后,您的孩子将有资格申请世界任何地方的大学。我们集团学校的大部分学生都就读于美国、英国、加拿大、香港、新加坡和澳大利亚的大学。

  5. How are Harrow Chongiqing different from other bilingual schools?


  In terms of language skills, the Harrow Chongqing curriculum goes far beyond mere bilingualism. We nurture confident and active communication and performance in both English and Chinese.

  We do this by promoting acting, presentation and debating skills, encouraging the pupils to perform and present regularly in front of their peers. We encourage students to discuss topics actively, participating enthusiastically and freely in question & answer sessions.

  Moreover, the Harrow curriculum encourages students to develop an innovative, inquisitive, exploratory and experimental mindset. Harrow students are prepared to question established practice, to seek knowledge for pleasure, to be resilient and to accept failure as a prerequisite to success.




  6. What is the ratio of delivery between the Chinese and UK National curriculums? 中英国 家课程的授课比例是多少?

  There is no fixed ratio; the proportion changes as students’ progress up the school. As the students age, more material is taught in English and the focus shifts towards preparation for IGCSE and A-Level.

  However, we fully comply with the government’s requirements of Chinese National Curriculum delivery for the compulsory years of education.

  目前我们是30%的中文授课和70%的英文授课。我们完全符合政府对中国国 家义务教育课程实施的要求。对于高年级的学生,英语授课比重会相对加大并且学习重点也会转向准备IGCSE和A-level。

为了更好地为您提供选校咨询、生涯规划、留学、背提、研学服务,我们将收集您的上述信息。若您同意且理解,上述信息将用于本公司为您进行后期回访,从而定制更为贴心的服务。此外,您的上述信息我们将同步共享至您在此页面上浏览的学校,以便该学校招生办老师与您联络。关于您的个人信息处理规则详见 《用户隐私政策》



AISL Harrow Chongqing 哈罗重庆招生信息



AISL Harrow Chongqing 哈罗重庆课程设置

课程体系: PreK-K3:根据EYFS体系和《 3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》制定融合课程 G1-G9:义务教...



*AISL Harrow Chongqing 哈罗重庆招生考试、开放日报名通道已开启
拨打电话 4008-200-288 ,招生老师将一对一为您解答疑问

1. 为方便家长更好的阅读和理解,该页面关于学校信息描述可能采用了学校视角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我们”、“我校”等第一人称指代学校本身,并不代表远播公司或其观点;
2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
3. 若素材有侵权或其他问题,请联系我们。

为了更好地为您提供选校咨询、生涯规划、留学、背提、研学服务,我们将收集您的上述信息。若您同意且理解,上述信息将用于本公司为您进行后期回访,从而定制更为贴心的服务。此外,您的上述信息我们将同步共享至您在此页面上浏览的学校,以便该学校招生办老师与您联络。关于您的个人信息处理规则详见 《用户隐私政策》
