教授科目:Math and Science Teacher 教育/工作背景: Waldorf Teaching Certified Science and Math Bachelors of Science in Chemistry and Physics, University of Bucharest
...[了解更多]教授科目:English and Social Studies 教育/工作背景: Bachelors Renaissance Studies,Yale University Masters of English, Georgetown University Ph.D. University of Rochester
...[了解更多]教授科目:Math 教育/工作背景: Associate of Applied Science Gordon College,Punjab University Bachelor of Science Mathematics.The College of Staten Island Masters Degree, Mathematics, Touro College
...[了解更多]教授科目:Musical and Vocals 教育/工作背景: Bachelor of Music,Western Carolina University Masters in Vocal Performance and Vocal Pedagogy, New York University
...[了解更多]教授科目:STEM Science,Technology, Engineering&Mathematics 教育/工作背景:Master of Science,George Washington University
...[了解更多]教授科目:Clarinet 教育/工作背景: Bachelor of Music, Curtis Institute of Music Master of Music, Yale University Artist Diploma at the Juilliard School
...[了解更多]教授科目:CommunicationArts/ Graphic DesignTeacher 教育/工作背景:Bachelor of Communications, Roanoke College
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